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  • Unspecified
    8 years ago
    +12 13 1

    Surface Tension

    I find macro photography to be incredible sometimes. Being able to see things we would otherwise miss is amazing.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +11 12 1

    Is it possible to view a feed of all tribes?

    I have my frontpage set to show all tribes, all categories and ranked newest but it doesn't show a lot. It seems like it doesn't update for anything between 1-3 hours even though some of the tribes I've joined have had submissions. So I'm not sure if it's something that I'm doing wrong or if it's not possible for some reason. I would like to be able to view all tribes, much like /r/all so I can discover new communities and interests that I may not have realised existed since, AFAIK, not all tribes are listed on /tribeindex.

  • Text Post
    8 years ago
    +13 14 1

    It's time to talk.

    Hello fellow snappies... or users, or humans however you choose to refer to yourselves.

    I have come to the realization after much introspection that my opinions on various matters are valid and deserve to be heard, after years (15+) of telling myself that people don't really care or that I don't want the attention I now believe that it doesn't matter one way or another how others see my opinions, they are still valid. What is the point of having a voice, if it is never heard. What caused this change in attitude? A most unlikely and not something I had ever considered, but it was twitter. I've generally abstained from voicing my opinions on social media since in my mind I dislike attention and generally stay away from getting it, both in real life and online. Part of it was that I didn't feel comfortable but I feel that most of it was of being scared. Scared of others not seeing value in what I say. Much like the rest of my life I've always been afraid of attention and not being accepted, so I leave myself out thus not being accepted either way. Silly I know, but these things happen.

    So what now? I've told myself to get over it. Just try and push forward. Let people hear and see my opinions, if they can't accept them then that's their problem, not mine.

    Sorry for the rant, especially if it's hard to follow but I find when I try to edit my words I end up not posting anything.

    I love you all, whoever you are and wherever it is you preside on this pale blue dot good morning, good evening or good night.

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