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Published 9 months ago by Maternitus with 3 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    Most Americans will be unable to afford it of course.

    • Maternitus (edited 9 months ago)

      My guess is that it will be for rich people only across the world. We have here in Belgium a good healthcare system, but innovative and new treatments are not covered and only for those with the fat wallets.

      Edit: a lot of dental, eyes and ear treatments are also hardly covered here. Which is, according to the neoliberal capitalistic way of acting, logical. Most people will grow old and so they need most of those three segments of care a lot, that reduces profits and that's a no-go for shareholders. Our government is copying more and more that narrowminded way of thinking and handling here, so I guess Belgium is on its' way to become a poststamp version of the US. Politicians here love to suck up to American ideologists and idiots.

      • Gozzin

        I think your onto something here.

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