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Published 2 months ago by Maternitus with 2 Comments

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  • Gozzin

    What a wonderful experience!

    • Maternitus (edited 2 months ago)

      Yeah, I truely can say that the psychedelic journies I made were a true joy and in the long term a great medicine. Coming from a deep and dark end of the mind, it really helped me back on my feet. My first trip was four years ago and my last one a week ago. The first one was at the age of fifty, it needed time and courage and, above all, the right people who could help me using the medicine as such and not as an entertainment. Set and setting, those had to be good. Strongly recommend it, but it's very intense for the mind, so it's not for everyone, I guess. The coming years will show whether it was the right path or not. For now, I'd say yes.

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