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  • 8 years ago
    Conversation Marlowe
    This comment has gained traction and has turned into a conversation.

    Disclaimer: I'm new here, just got my invite code a minute ago, and this is my first post. So take this FWIW, since I have very little exposure to how this community works.

    But in this case I'm not really speaking about this (or any) community in particular. I think it's kind of a universal thing; downvote etiquette is something that sites aspire to have, maybe accomplish they're still small, and then lose the moment the community starts to really grow. So even if they appear to work here in the short term, that's not a solution that will last into the future. The only long-term options, IMO, are to accept that downvotes are a sign of disagreement or just abolish downvotes altogether.

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    originating in My two cents of down voting (10 replies)

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe

    I definitely get what you're saying, and I agree that I don't like the idea of downvotes being used for disagreement. But ultimately that's how people are going to use them, no matter what anyone else wants. At least that's how it's been in every community I've been apart of that had downvote-type functionality.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe


  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe

    I do like Book!Shae better, simply because she let Tyrion know that she is doing for the money and ascension several times, she doesn't play much of a mummers farce, but Tyrion is fooled by himself in believing she has deep care for him. She does have some care, but not nearly as much as Tyrion imagines, and in the end, his actions are nothing more than passionate crime, completely unjustifiable in a moral dilemma. While Show!Shae seems to try to deceive Tyrion a bit.

    That's pretty much my interpretation too. Book!Shae showed that, for everything he told himself (and everyone else) about his perceptiveness and adeptness at 'the game', he still had this huge, deep-rooted blind spot that was ripe for exploitation. There's also the whole Tysha parallel, which all combines to make Tyrion's mental state and actions following all of this a bit more understandable.

    His relationship with Book!Shae puts his shortcomings on display, to the point that it's only through extreme luck that he avoided a Ned-type fate. His relationship with Show!Shae didn't really show any of that. It was an interesting interaction in its own right, and it showed different things about the characters and had some own themes in its own right. I still prefer Book!Shae, but to each their own. Wouldn't be surprised at all if you're right on about GRRM, too.

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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe

    IMO he's worth Megatron money, at the very least for the same reason that Andrew Luck is worth Aaron Rodgers money. The cap has gone up quite a bit since Megatron signed his deal, and will continue to go up into the future. That can't be ignored in making this comparison.

  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe

    Interesting! A little surprising, too. I've always seen it as Show!Shae is a better, more three-dimensional character in her own right, but Book!Shae is a better plot device to further Tyrion's development. Sounds like GRRM probably wouldn't agree with me on that either, though.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Marlowe

    Disclaimer: I'm new here, just got my invite code a minute ago, and this is my first post. So take this FWIW, since I have very little exposure to how this community works.

    But in this case I'm not really speaking about this (or any) community in particular. I think it's kind of a universal thing; downvote etiquette is something that sites aspire to have, maybe accomplish they're still small, and then lose the moment the community starts to really grow. So even if they appear to work here in the short term, that's not a solution that will last into the future. The only long-term options, IMO, are to accept that downvotes are a sign of disagreement or just abolish downvotes altogether.