Post Overview
8 years ago+2 3 1The Eternal Reign of King Sombra
King Sombra is back. Supported by Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings, he manages to defeat all of the Equestrian armies and takes over the entire land for a never-ending reign of darkness. As Equestria is entering an era of obedience and slavery, th ...
8 years ago+2 3 1Midnight In Me [Electro/Metal Remix]
When Twilight goes metal... :3
8 years ago+4 6 2Prelude to Luna [Piano]
We all know that Luna once has been Nightmare Moon. But don't worry, Princess. You're totally forgiven. As I had to work on Chopin's Etudes, I found myself jamming on random arpeggios to finally end up with this little piece. I'm ...
8 years ago+3 3 0Landscapes
Sometimes Twilight Sparkle likes to have a rest enjoying a beautiful landscape from Equestria. But be careful not to overthink Princess! Artwork by Auroriia. Artwork : Auroriia's deviantart : aur ...
8 years ago+3 3 0Morning Walk
Applejack's ready for an amazing applebuckin' day! But first, let's have a little breath of fresh air... <3 Artwork by InowIseeI Artwork : InowIseeI's deviantart : inowiseei. ...
8 years ago+2 2 0First deviation! It's called "Octavia's Lute" :D
Inspired from Caravaggio's "The Lute Player".… Hope you'll enjoy! Material used : india ink, graphite pencil and black pencil.
8 years ago+8 8 0Ludwig van Ponyven's Suite - Preview!
Well, I decided to get into a big project. Here's a tiny little preview! The first movement will probably be out in a couple of days, and the others will follow (don't know how many now, but I'm pretty sure there will be a lot ^^).
8 years ago+3 3 0Classy
Moderation doesn't exist for Fluttershy when it comes to cuteness.
8 years ago+8 9 1Ponies Are Cool! (Happy Little Brony with vocals) :D
As I was coming back home after a long hard-partying night (it's always like this when I say "one drink and I go home"... classic...), I was thinking about how amazing ponies can be. So I took my headphones to listen to brony music aaa ...
8 years ago+7 7 0[Progressive Electro] Sweet Apples (original)
Hey! Look AJ! An apple! :D This one is inspired by the work of INowISeeI and a quite well-known piece. Artwork :…ck-649037273 INowISeeI's deviantart : Enjoy! :)
8 years ago+7 7 0[Progressive Electro/House] Solitude (Original)
Original track fully inspired by the artwork "Noirity" by Nemo2d. Direct link to the artwork More from Nemo2d on Deviantart : Enjoy! :)
8 years ago+8 9 1Pinkie's Rap (remix)
Now it's Pinkie Pie's turn to take the mic, come on!
8 years ago+4 5 1Fluttersong
Fluttershy in da place! =D
8 years ago+3 3 0Legend of Everfree (remix)
It seems like Vinyl Scratch wanted to drop the bass with the Equestria Girls xD
8 years ago+8 8 0Children of the Night (remix)
Remix of an incredible song.... Informations taken from My Little Pony Fan Wiki about the song used for this remix : "Children of the Night is a fan-animated film created by the Duo Cartoonist team, Spirit and her husband Lionheart. It details ...
8 years ago+5 5 0Rainbow Daaash!
Rainbow Dash wants it louder cause she's so awesome and we all know it.
8 years ago+3 3 0MyLittlePony - Bats remix
Text Post
8 years ago+13 13 0Hi Snapzu!
Hello everybody! Let me introduce myself...
I've known about Snapzu by browsing Reddit and then I decided to sign in. Why? Because I think it's a great way for sharing common centers of interest with other people. By the way, I'm a musician and I'll be glad to share music, advice and many other things related to music with other musicians or music lovers on Snapzu.
Greetings from Switzerland!