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Published 9 years ago by Cobbydaler with 6 Comments
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  • spaceghoti (edited 9 years ago)

    Is it a cognitive enhancer or does it just intensify concentration and alertness? There's a difference.

    • AdelleChattre

      It's a wakefulness agent, with potential side effects. Of the popular nootropics, modafinil and adrafinil are long on hype and short on evidence. Recent results on modafinil show the opposite conclusion. One thing modafinil is not is a heretofore undiscovered nootropic drug.

      • septimine

        I heard about that drug a lot on reddit. Apparently it's used a lot by professional programmers as part of their stacks. I knew they talk about it as a cognitive enhancer, I just never knew the "label" use.

        That whole scene sounds like a bunch of Olympians from the ussr-- using drugs for any minor advantage. I don't want to know what will happen to these idiots in 20 years.

    • Cobbydaler

      In the article and in the press release I just added as a related link, it definitely says it acts a cognitive enhancer.

  • ReverendEntity (edited 9 years ago)

    On a related note, wouldn't it be awesome if everyone was doing racetams and vasopressin instead of crack and meth?

  • 0r4n9e

    With the help of this mysterious pill that enables me to access 100 percent of my brain abilities, I, a struggling writer, will become a financial wizard, but will also be put in a new world with lots of dangers.

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