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Published 9 years ago by Ladysfi with 1 Comments

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  • AdelleChattre

    Hi! Creepy article, but then how do you make anything involving lungworm adorable?

    Saw that this snap hasn't got a picture. There are some in the article that'd do. Like this, for instance. You can still edit the snap and go put in a picture. Not knowing how you're using Snapzu, whether on a tablet or a certain kind of desktop or whatever, it's hard to describe exactly how, though. If you like, message me and I'd be glad to help sort it out.

    When you make a snap with the SnapIt! tool, it'll pick up a picture for the snap, which is convenient. Of course, you have to get SnapIt! in place for it to work. That's a trick, but may not be any trouble at all. It's a bookmark is all, that takes the web page you're at and fashions a snap for it. Let me know if I can help!

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