Snap: Hacked! posted by KondoR
  • gtwy (edited 8 years ago)

    I'm not seeing it listed here so I will explain the really simple way that most people's accounts get hacked - the security questions.

    Most websites ask really dumb security questions. Let's take Valve as a great example because while they force multiple layers of security on their users, they have yet to fix the gaping hole that is their Security Questions.

    1. What city were you born in? 2. What is the name of your school? 3. What is your favorite team? 4. What is your mother's maiden name? 5. What is the name of your pet? 6. Who was your childhood hero?

    Really, all but the last question can be solved by adding someone on Facebook and monitoring who they interact with. The mother's maiden name could be difficult if she doesn't make it obvious (many people put their maiden name as a middle name.) But because of how many places use the mother's maiden name, if you are digging into someone's life, you're going to need to solve that one rather early on.

    Edit: No idea why the formatting isn't working.