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Published 10 years ago by KondoR with 8 Comments

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  • Chubros

    If this isn't enough for an officer to be indicted in this country then I don't know what is.

    • 8mm

      Illegal chokehold and video proof.. what more do they want?

      • drunkenninja

        Unless there are real consequences on the part of the actual public, I think the system is calling their bluff.

    • hxxp

      The system is broken.

  • weekendhobo

    Welcome to America where cops can literally kill you on camera and still get away with it.

  • messi

    Another fine example of the two-tiered grand jury system. One for cops, and one for everyone else.

    • Chubros

      I'm sure the cops don't mind.


    Yep, there ain't enough hate around, let's make more.

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