• Katiedash

    I hear you, and know what you are saying. With the invention of EU laws over the internet and my understanding of it all I had to put up the warnings about cookies and such. It is true many will bypass Finding God Community because of it, the ads, well just me trying to get back some of the hundreds I have put into the site. Not successful not even a penny. I should probably take those off, or just the adblocker warning. Thanks for the comment and the interest in my meager means of letting God speak through me in some way.

    • AdelleChattre (edited 5 years ago)

      I'm just surprised to hear from an actual you. Hi, and sorry to've been harsh. Loads of bloggers spam Snapzu without once ever even visiting the site. Like Alex Wise from LoveAwake. That guy has a spam bureau in Pakistan machine-vomit his very prolific work all over Snapzu all the time. Hasn't got a clue it's here, most likely. Just pays his bill. Apparently Snapzu generates more hits for them than Reddit, I'm guessing because of active default subreddit moderation and workable domain-level bans there.

      We get a ton of badly-written blogspam for sundry and miscellaneous local businesses in very specific markets like Brisbane and Wolverhampton posted to tribes like /t/WorldNews, /t/News, and /t/Technology. It's not like the spamhouses are active in comments, either. Except for throwing in the occasional astroturf comment.

      Do forgive me for forgetting the human on the other side of the keyboard. It's just been so rare that you'll find them.

      • Katiedash

        I forgive and understand. I am just trying to spread what God has given me to where He leads me to. Just by accident in some of my other leads and such I found this site. I try to comment to anyone on any of the social media sites I share to. I did turn off the ad blocker notify app. I am just a struggling married single mom that has experienced God in a big way. I want to share the encouragement, and let others know they are not alone in this cruel world.