• Improbability

    I got the Moto360 for Christmas. It's not perfect, but I can see a use for it. It's nice to have my phone vibrate and not have to dig my phone out to see that it's a spam email I can ignore for the time being.

    It's also pretty cool to have directions on my wrist - I don't have to look down at the phone in the car, I can just look at the top of the steering wheel.

    • Splitfish

      Yea I can see the navigation being a top selling feature. It just needs to work well with no lag.

      • Improbability

        There is a bit of lag on things like voice recognition. I'm guessing that, like with Google Now, it sends your input across the internet for recognition. And, it can't do much but tell time without your phone. Definitely room for improvement as with anything new.