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Published 9 years ago by ISO with 7 Comments

Just got my Vortex POK3R!

Just got this guy in the mail the other day from the second wave of shipments from Massdrop. I ended up getting the clears because I wanted a keyboard that I could take places and not annoy people too much with clicky sounds. I have to say though that I'm loving the clears a lot more than I thought I initially would. It is a very sturdy and heavy keyboard, but I don't think that it gets in the way of it's portability.


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  • microfracture

    Nice! How are you liking it so far? I've pondered checking out one of those 60% keyboards before, but I've never gotten around to it. I just can't make myself justify the purchase of yet another mechanical just yet.. lol.

    (You should totally send me yours... for science and all that. :D )

    • ISO

      I'm loving it. I used to be on a WASD Code with MX Greens, which was my first mech. That one used to be attached to my desktop in my dorm and after doing a lot of typing and work on crappy school library computer keyboards I started looking at 60%'s to try and find something portable. I saw everyone with a POKER 2 and was impressed by the amount of love that people were giving it in reviews, so I started looking to see if I could find one to buy. Sure enough about a week into my search this one drops on Massdrop and I just had to buy it. (My wallet didn't really like the idea at first, but it came around.) The wait to get this thing was agonizing, as I wasn't quick enough to grab a keyboard with clears in the first wave of production, though boy was it worth it! I will say the amount of space saved by this keyboard is impressive and I've found that my once small desk is big again. The FN and PN key-mapping is a little tricky for me right now as I'm still learning it but most of the keys you need on a daily basis are on the top layer. I would send it to you, but then I wouldn't have all this nice mechanical goodness to type on anymore. :P

  • TiffanyAching

    Nice! Is it your first 60% or are you a vet? I love how they look but I think I'd get upset if i lost all my extra keys.

    • ISO

      This is my first 60% and I thought that I wouldn't like the loss of all the keys, but it's not as bad as I had originally thought. Most of the keys that you will need often like the letters numbers and punctuation are all on the top. Things like the arrow keys though are on the FN layer requiring the press of FN and the desired keys. I haven't had it long enough to master the FN layer just yet, but I'm sure it will come along in time and all the space it saves is really nice.

      • TiffanyAching

        Nice. I think if i picked up as a safety blanket it might work out. hmmm

  • folkrav

    Definitely one of the boards I've been oogling for some time. Really looking forward to jump to a 60% eventually! How is it? Are you planning on putting on some shweet caps?

    • ISO

      It's great. I love the form factor and I now transport it and use it at work on a daily basis. I was planning on putting on some caps and I had been eyeing the MiTo DSA: Sci-Fi Keycap Set on Massdrop, but I'm not sure which color to get yet. My first impression was to get the orange, but the blue is also looking pretty good. I have another 5 days to decide, so I'll have to make up my mind sooner or later.

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