Post Overview
8 years ago-1 1 2Heuristic: Ethics in cruise control: self-driving dilemmas
8 years ago-2 1 3Heuristic: A Guide to Undergraduate Research and Internships (REU’s)
This guide is intended for college students looking for research opportunities at their own university or elsewhere and for students looking for ways to succeed in their research work.
8 years ago-1 1 2Heuristic: Nostalgia, networks, and nuance of Pokémon Go
On the cultural phenomena of Pokémon Go
8 years ago+1 1 0Heuristic: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Aristotle
8 years ago0 1 1Heuristic: Mind-reading: understanding how the brain learns
We like to break down large problems into smaller ones and look at the whole picture as a sum of its parts. The pieces of a jigsaw puzzle form an image, or different letters come together to form words. There are times when a larger picture isn' ...
8 years ago0 1 1Heuristic: Here's looking at UK, from scientists across the pond
Some thoughts about the scientific community and the UK's exit from the EU
Text Post
8 years ago+22 22 0New kid on the blog
Hey everyone, new blogger here. Undergraduate looking to become a scientist in the future. I like to write about science ,philosophy, and other things that I find really interesting.
My site is ( if anyone would want to check it out.
Thanks and best wishes.