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    8 years ago
    +4 4 0

    Your typical introduction - greetings, Snapzu.

    First thing I must comment on is how nice this place seems, and I'll admit up front I'm a long-time Redditor (though more of a lurker really).

    I've been trying to customize my tribes, find those relevant to my interests and what not, and I've mostly found a fair few that 'fit the bill'. I love to draw and paint digitally, not to mention I'm a huge bookworm with an equally abounding passion for writing - so you'll very likely see me in places akin to those topics! Plus a healthy dose of gaming, naturally; I've changed from a PC gamer to a console gamer these past few years, so I apologize if I make any new friends for Steam; my poor ol' PC needs upgrades I can't yet afford, but she'll get there.

    Otherwise I'm just your average fem-geek Canadian checking out the view. All of you seem like a lovely bunch from what I can see, and I hope to get to know you folks better! If you've any tribe suggestions I'm open to them, because despite the interests above I'm pretty varied. -chuckles-

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