• walrus (edited 9 years ago)

    Currently the only army I have is Skaven, though I have plans to start a Lizardmen army soon. I have a bunch of High Elves lying around as I bought several Island of Blood sets when I started my Skaven army so I'm debating on whether I should start a High Elves army or just sell them. It is looking like my friends and I are going to continue playing 8th Edition WHFB since we didn't like Age of Sigmar much.

    I'm considering starting 40k with Adeptus Mechanicus but I'd like to finish my fantasy armies first just in case any models get discontinued.

    • Guilhem

      I love the skaven, they seem high risk (of shit blowing up in your face) high reward and the general design is just really cool. Except giant rat, don't like then xD.

      I'm really surprised by the number of new player attracted by the Adeptus mecanicus. I've found they lack in choice of unit, and diversity (which is normal for a new army). But really shine when allied.