Guilhem's feed
9 years agoComment Guilhem
Kinda sad and happy. I can wait for a more polished game and play long war but I wanted it nowwwwwwwwwwwww.
Posted in: XCOM 2
9 years agoCurrent Event Guilhem
XCOM2 is a sequel to the popular XCOM series from Firaxis Games, published by 2K.
9 years agoComment Guilhem
I saw it a few days ago. It's really great but the shas'vre xv15 doesn't fit with the shas'uis xv25 !
Posted in: Metal Slug meets the Tau Empire
9 years agoComment Guilhem
Curious thing, this looks more like multiplexing than a real white laser. Laser is usually define as a single wavelength (or one main transition) light , coherent.
9 years ago
No fracking for now !
9 years ago
Here if you bottle tap water you can't sell it as "mineral water" only natural source water can get that appellation. Nobody is going to spend money on some crappy bottled water. As I have said in others answers, I mainly buy bottled water for carbonated water.
9 years ago
Actually I have pretty great tap water. I live in France. I just enjoy carbonated water. I have tried sodastream but it's just not the same.
Yeah dumb mistake. Either my tablet autocorrected with French or I was really tired.
9 years ago
Funny thing, I drink tape water when I'm too lazy to go to the store. But I see what you mean.
9 years ago
I don't get what is wrong with enjoying bottle water, it doesn't taste like tape water (here tape water is always drinkable). Sure it's more expensive that tape water but I really enjoy a Perrier, St Pelegrino or a Badoit with a meal.
Water is more that pure H2O.
9 years ago
Decent choice,
Posted in: My Waifu is Better
9 years agoComment Guilhem
Basic japonese interjections/onomatopoeia. That every story can and will relate to high school. 12th degree wordplay.