Spam Musubi Recipe
The key to Spam is frying it. Just slice it up into Spam steaks out of the can, put it in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat and confit it in the wonderful Spam fat that leaks out. The Spam will crisp up and taste incredibly delicious. Add some sweet soy sauce, sandwich it between 2 layers or rice, wrap the whole thing up in seaweed and you have Spam musubi, the ultimate Hawaiian Spam creation.
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Musabi: My Canadian Epiphany.
When I grew up, Spam was the food you ate when you were out of food.
This may be because my mother had no idea how to cook and trusted dubious sources.
We lived a long way from anywhere, so we always had spam or the many "budget" alternatives in the pantry, but she never learned to really use it, because "that was for emergencies."
As I grew up, I picked up a rather snobby attitude toward the pink mystery meat, and for the longest time, I avoided it. But then I got a rice cooker and decided that I wanted to learn how to roll sushi, because I freaking love sushi rolls. It looks so quick and easy on Iron Chef. How hard could it be?
Sticky. Rice. Everywhere.
It's not that hard, but there are there are tricks to it that you need to practice before you end up with anything you'd admit to having made.
I figured I needed a protein to go into it, something I could cut into long thin pieces and which didn't cost a fortune. It needed to be something that just shuts up and lies there. So... spam.
When I bragged of my achievement - when I made an unaccountably delicious roll that didn't actually explode all over my kitchen - the response was "oh, you made a spam Musabi roll."
Wait, that's a thing?
And once again, there's always spam in my pantry. Because once again, I live a long way from nowhere in particular, and it keeps. But it's not for emergencies. It's comfort food, to be made on the Days of Indulgence, when we have been Very Good.
Spam inspires us all.
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The musubi mystique
A 2002 article talking about musubi and eventually, how spam became involved. -
The Why of Spam Musabi
Hawaiians have a love affair with Spam - they eat it as a delicacy, adding it to soups and stews, treating it as a side dish for breakfast, and enjoying it as the main event for lunch and dinner. Residents of Hawaii consume more Spam than populations anywhere else in the world...
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This is the most spam-tastic snap ever!!
Yeah why you gotta post all this spam? :P
I would laugh if someone downvoted this with "blatant spam" chosen as the reason
Why it is indeed!
Can some one enlighten me on what this spam stuff actually is? I never tried it
well, it's essencially minced and seasoned pork shoulders. I'm pretty sure you can find the whole history of spam (pre cantor & segal) at http://www.spam.com
Thanks as you can probably guess its not available where I live
I'm sorry... I think. Canned corned beef or even actual pulled pork works too.