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Published 9 years ago by Gozzin with 1 Comments

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  • Xenolan

    It makes sense to me. Religion wouldn't have grown and prospered if it wasn't useful in some way; that's how evolution works in nature and that's how it works in societies.

    The question to me isn't whether religion was ever useful or beneficial; it's whether we have outgrown it.

    When my daughter was three years old, we put a stool in front of the bathroom sink so she could learn to brush her teeth. At first, the stool was absolutely vital; she couldn't reach the sink or even see over the counter without it. As time went on, she grew to the point where she was tall enough to not really need it, but it was still helpful. Finally, she grew sufficiently that it actually got in the way, so she kicked it aside.

    It's time for humanity to kick aside the stool. If we don't, we're liable to trip over it and break our necks.

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