• kxh (edited 7 years ago)

    I've had about 15 colonoscopies without sedation, only one with sedation, which I regret bitterly and several gastroscopies which are much tougher and even 2 cystoscopies all without sedation. As far as colonoscopies go, the doctor makes a huge difference.

    They are fascinating and it's not only good to be able to talk to the doctor, I can remember them even when all the records have been lost. Unfortunately with gastroscopies you end up facing the wrong way and can't see the monitor.

    Also I hate it when they give you sedation or anaesthesia with midazolam. Midazolam knocks out your ability to remember what has happened. It should be considered a human rights violation to do that to a person. Especially doing it without asking permission. These days I always ask not to be given midazolam and they usually don't.

    • Gozzin

      Yeah,I've heard about that drug and it's scary. I agree that no one should be given that drug. It should be taken off the market in my way of thinking. In both cases,I was able to watch the monitor. since I'm always on my left side with the monitor in front. This time I'll be asking if I can see inside my appendix.