9 years ago
Exxon knew of climate change in 1981, email says – but it funded deniers for 27 more years
A newly unearthed missive from Lenny Bernstein, a climate expert with the oil firm for 30 years, shows concerns over high presence of carbon dioxide in enormous gas field in south-east Asia factored into decision not to tap it
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A real nice bunch. Why not help the environment with some of that money.
They are indeed. At the end of the day,like big tobacco, don't care if they kill the world,they just want mountains of money.
They have an image to uphold.
Yes they do and laws they do not want changed.
I can't express how deeply disgusted I am with this greedy bunch of selfish sociopaths. Only thinking at their own advantage. In German we have the expression "Nach mir die Sintflut" (literally translated: "After me follows the Deluge"), basically meaning not caring for whatever destruction follows as long there is an immediate gratification for oneself.
Why not putting that money into the development of new energy efficient industries and become a leader early on in such a field?
IMO, politicians and managers alike should be hold personally accountable for the decisions they make that affect the society at large if such a neglect and willful misguidance is given as in this case. Even better, there should be by default a clause for politicians (and industries alike) to consider the effects a decision has on at least the next two or three generations to curb the fast and quick personal gains at the expenses of the current and future people.
Fun side note: The saying you used, "Après moi, le déluge", comes from Louis XV of France, in regard to the French Revolution (1789-1799),
This is indeed a fun fact to learn. Thank you. I did not know this.