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Published 8 years ago by FivesandSevens with 4 Comments

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  • spaceghoti

    Because making people fear what you want them to be afraid of makes them easier to manipulate, of course.

    • FivesandSevens

      Yes, and as the article points out, it's a specific subset of susceptible people that they're aiming to mobilize/manipulate for specific reasons and toward specific ends. That's why I thought it was worth posting.

      • spaceghoti

        That's why I thought it was worth posting.

        Also why I thought it was worth upvoting. ;)

        • FivesandSevens

          Thanks! I hoped that didn't sound defensive, but maybe it did. All I meant was despite its terrible title, it actually uncovers newsworthy complexities within what seems self-evident.

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