• cailihphiliac

    Why would it smell? Cow leather doesn't smell like cows.

    • FishKnight (edited 9 years ago)

      Good question. Seems like there is some sort of unique odor, but I'm not sure what causes it. From the article: "Yes, there is a scent at first, she says, “if you hold it very close to your face,” but “it doesn’t smell of fish, but it does kind of remind you of the sea. But it’s more gritty, earthy, rustic.”

      • cailihphiliac

        gritty, earthy, rustic

        I disregarded this part of the sentence, because almost everything's described that way these days. It's like describing foods as "nutty".

        I like the idea of fish leather though, but I don't think it will catch on until they find a way to patch it together nicely.

        • FishKnight

          Haha, that is a good point about disregarding that statement. I didn't really think about those as common "buzz words." Now I might have to find some so that I can get an accurate idea about the smell. And you are right, the material is limited by it's size. Since I first read about it, I've been thinking about a fish leather wallet.

          • cailihphiliac

            Do you think it would be strong enough for daily use like that?

            • FishKnight (edited 9 years ago)

              This is really informative page that probably deserves a post of its own, or at least added as a "related link." I would keep in mind that this information does come from "The Fish Leather Company," there might be some self-serving promotion going on there ;). Seems like carp or sea bass could make a good wallet.