55 Gallon Planted Barb Tank
This aquarium features a couple of barb species, including Tiger Barbs (Puntigrus tetrazona) and Denison's Barbs (Sahyadria denisonii). Many barb species are of Asian origin, and have their namesake "barbels", sensory organs, around their mouths. The plants in this tank are variants of Cryptocoryne sp. and Nymphoides sp. with origins in Asia. Gallery is original content by FishKnight.
FishKnight's 55 Gallon Barb Tank
Launch Gallery Note:
Sahyadria denisonii is listed by The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as endangered in the wild. This species is now being bred in captivity. Please make sure your aquatic pets are produced from captive stock.
Sahyadria denisonii (Common Name: Red-line Torpedo Barb or Denison Barb)
In the 2000s it was the Indian state of Kerala’s most important export but collection of wild fish is now prohibited to an extent. Large numbers are produced for the aquarium hobby in commercial facilities, presumably via stimulation with hormones. -
Puntius tetrazona (Common name: Tiger Barb)
Among the most ubiquitous species available in the aquarium hobby, and several selectively-bred, ornamental forms have been produced and achieved great popularity. The ‘green’/’moss’, ‘albino’, and ‘golden’ (leucistic) variants are particularly common but there also exist ‘platinum’, ‘blushing’...
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I like that you tried to keep it asian oriented. Its really nice. I understand this may not be your tank though lol.
This is my wife's tank. It is the first one she has set up on her own. She was very intentional with selecting Asian fish and plants. Thanks for your kind words. I will pass on your compliment.