Post Overview
4 years ago+19 19 0You Might as Well Be a Great Copy Editor
An early draft of a paper, blog post, grant proposal, or other piece of technical writing typically has many problems. Some of these are high-level issues, such as weak motivation, sections in the wrong order, or a key description that is difficult t ...
5 years ago+12 12 0How to Write an Ebook: 21 Dumb Mistakes to Avoid in 2020
Want to learn how to write an ebook like a pro? It’s not just what you do, but what you DON’T do that can make or break your work.
5 years ago+13 13 0How To Change the Attitudes That Cause Writing Procrastination
Writing procrastination is often caused by unhelpful attitudes toward the task at hand. Here are some ways to identify and change these attitudes.
5 years ago+12 12 0Can You Trigger Creativity?
Sometimes, taking a problem on head-on isn’t the most creative solution. Why not try Oblique Strategies, the I Ching, or a coin flip? Changing your mental approach might lead to a side-door solution you didn’t see before.
5 years ago+9 9 06 Ways To Stay Productive In A Creative Slump
Every creative person encounters times where we're not feeling creative at all. In this post, Macy Thornhill shares ways to support yourself to get past the natural blocks and slumps that come with the creative life.
5 years ago+19 19 0Personal branding for people who hate personal branding
Self-promotion might not come naturally for some, but less outgoing people can use their natural strengths to create an authentic online presence.
5 years ago+9 9 0Get More Done By Giving Yourself Less Time
Set your own deadline based on what you could realistically accomplish if you parked your keister in the chair each day and did your work!
5 years ago+22 22 0Instagram Advertising: Do You Know It, When You See It?
In the photograph, Gretchen Altman is smiling, leaning back casually, a cup of coffee in hand — Hills Bros. Coffee, to be precise. It looks like a candid shot, but if you hit like, leave a comment, and tag a friend, you can get three different blends ...
5 years ago+22 22 0Andreas Gabalier feat. Arnold Schwarzenegger - Pump it Up (2019)
The Motivation Song.
5 years ago+3 3 0How to Find Free (and Legal) Images Online
A few weeks back I discovered another nugget of useful info that I picked up while blogging and just assumed everyone know, and today I would like to share it with you.
5 years ago+7 7 0People are falling in love with a simple productivity system that just uses pen and paper
The no-frills (and free) Bullet Journal system is taking the world by storm.
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Current Event
5 years ago+10 10 0Monotype launches the first redesign in 35 years of the world's most ubiquitous font, Helvetica
Monotype launches the first redesign in 35 years of the world's most ubiquitous font, Helvetica.
5 years ago+11 12 1How to Write a Blog Post in 9 Steps (That People Actually Want to Read)
Learn how to write blog posts that attract visitors month after month.
5 years ago+7 7 0Beta Readers: Who, When, Why, and So What?
Use of beta readers is widespread, but surprisingly little has been written about how writers actually use them and how they help—or if they do.
5 years ago+5 5 0How Writing is like a Good Brisket Recipe – 8 Key Questions for Every Writer
There are ways we all use to build upon our craft methods of writing a novel. We try new things to see what works. We discard other methods that we’ve outgrown as we evolve.
5 years ago+39 39 0 x 1Study finds that low-quality sleep can lead to procrastination
...especially among people who naturally struggle with self-regulation.
5 years ago+19 19 0What makes long term personal goals so damn hard?
The pursuit of long-term goals is a defining part of the human experience. It promises to translate our most precious dreams into lived reality. Which sounds pretty good, right? And yet, according to the best available science, only about 8% of goal ...
6 years ago+17 17 0Content Distribution: The Missing Piece in Your Marketing Strategy
As it becomes harder to market a business through blogging, content distribution becomes increasingly important.
6 years ago+7 7 0The Visual Anatomy Of An Effective Blog Post
Blog images are an important part of your blogging process. This study, conducted together with Orbit Media on more than 300 bloggers and content writers, covers one of the most important channels in content marketing, the blog. We are going to find ...
6 years ago+7 7 0The Internet Lottery™ for content creators
Your cursor hovers over the post button. This will be the one. You researched it, you checked it, you got the graphics, and you have the audience. Today you’ll have that successful post: thousands of views and followers. Finally, you’ll be on your wa ...