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Published 8 years ago by Endymion with 6 Comments

EA cosplay


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  • ColonBowel

    I just want to throw in Sim City. As far as the vast majority was concerned, it was the only city simulator. After EA, Sim City is a running joke and City Life took over.

    • massani

      EA has slowly ruined Maxis. Both SimCity and The Sims 4 pale in comparison to their predecessors. And now with the rise of indie games and development studios, we able to see such huge success with games like Cities: Skylines.

      • TiffanyAching

        I wish some sort of sims clone to the calibre of skylines would come out. I do actually play sims 4 but it doesn't have the soul of Sims 2.

        • DiamondDragon

          Not until I read your comment did I realize how much I want this. Imagine a Sims game where you could actually download mods to get new content instead of having to buy the most overpriced DLC in history (Besides Train Simulator)

  • 60sTimeMachine

    I like it. Creative.

    But these days EA doesn't seem to be that bad. The current CEO seems decent enough. I believe Ubisoft is currently the one to be wary of.

    • Keydax (edited 8 years ago)

      Both companies are DLC-Whores and Ubisoft likes to overdress game footage for E3 (Example: Watchdogs). If you are fine with DLC though then Ubisoft isn't all that bad if you play on console as they stopped giving a shit about PC.

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