DroidDev's feed
10 years agoAchievement DroidDev
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 15/15 times! Congratulations DroidDev on this achievement!
+9160 XP -
10 years agoLevel Up DroidDev
Level 11
DroidDev is now level 11 with 71,755 XP.
View Unlocks- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 25 to a total of 150.
10 years agoAchievement DroidDev
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations DroidDev on this achievement!
+5550 XP -
11 years agoCurrent Event DroidDev
Google Play services 4.3 | Android Developers Blog
A new release of Google Play services has begun rolling out worldwide and we have lined up a number of features you can use to improve your apps. Here are the highlights of the 4.3 release.
11 years agoCurrent Event DroidDev
A USB development board for Android developers - SD Times: Software Development News
USB2Go is a smartphone-powered development board for Android developers looking to build gadgets
11 years agoText Post DroidDev
So what things are people working now?
discuss in posted into
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
The Ultimate Android Camera Development Guide
The only Android Camera Development guide you will ever need.
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
How Android transitions work
One of the biggest highlights of the Android KitKat release was the new Transitions framework which provides a very convenient API to animate UIs between different states. The Transitions framework...
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Securing mobile banking on Android with SSL certificate pinning
Let's say you want to exchange some sensitive data between your application and a server. SSL should do the trick, right? Right, but that's only half of the story.
11 years agoAchievement DroidDev
Judgement Say
Published 2/2 review snaps! Congratulations DroidDev on this achievement!
+2770 XP -
11 years agoReview DroidDev
Microsoft releases Android SDK for Office 365
Microsoft has announced on its Open Technologies blog that a new open source Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android is now available.
11 years agoLevel Up DroidDev
Level 10
DroidDev is now level 10 with 55,290 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Claiming You can claim tribes with max level 3.
- Tribe blog mode You can switch tribes to blog mode.
- Image Submission The maximum amount of images you can submit to a unique social gallery has been raised by 1 to a total of 5.
- Tribe mastery You will now have 10 tribes displayed on the left panel.
- Save Credits The maximum amount of daily restored save credits has been raised by 5 to a total of 20.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 2.
- Tribe discussion mode You can switch tribes to discussion mode.
11 years agoCurrent Event DroidDev
Google Announces Android SDK For Wearable Technology
Google has announced that it is releasing a software development kit (SDK) to allow developers to create apps running its Android operating system ...
11 years agoAnalysis DroidDev
Android Bitmap Memory Analysis - Part 1. Sampled Image
An analysis of bitmap memory.
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Lets try Android Game Development with AndEngine
Hi Guys, this time I am back with some Android Game Development. I got this idea after, the popular game Flappy Bird. Hope all may have tried that game...! Ok, so I wanted to develop a game and I d...
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Blurring Images - Part 4
Previously in this series we've looked at blurring an image using RenderScript, and a technique for analysing performance to work out where the bottlenecks are in the process. We found that the act...
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Code Talk » Blog Archive » Testing Asynchronous Tasks on Android
Recently, at Sixt we have been migrating our development environment from Eclipse to Android Studio. This has mean we have also moved to the new build system, Gradle, and applying TDD and CI to our software development process. This is not the place to discuss the benefits of applying CI to a software development plan, but to talk about a problem arising when testing tasks running on different threads than the UI in Android.
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Android Sandboxing Defense Mechanisms (Part I)
Android manages the lifetime and data of sandboxed applications without “asking” the developer. Therefore some applications that should always be running in the background might suffer from lack of control. Users also often try to manipulate programs, in order to manually close them or wipe their data. While developing applications for this platform, I learned a couple of ways to improve this situation.
11 years agoDownload DroidDev
mimicry - Mimicking grids in Android lists
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Wrangling Dalvik: Memory Management in Android (Part 1 of 2)
Posted March 4, 2014 by Joe Mahon
11 years agoDownload DroidDev
JDeferred : Java Deferred / Promise library
11 years agoCurrent Event DroidDev
Microsoft makes it official: We're all in with Android
Any doubt that Microsoft sees Android as an important part of its future should be erased with a just-announced deal with an Indian handset maker to manufacture dual-boot Windows-Android phones, and with Microsoft asking HTC to include Windows Phone as a dual boot option on its Android phones. That's on top of Nokia's new line of low-cost Windows Phone devices. Is this a way to extend Windows Phone's life, or an admission of the platform's failure?
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
Android Custom ScrollView With Styled Scrollbar Example
How to implement custom scroll bars in a list-view.
11 years agoHow-to DroidDev
How to Send Mail With Attachment from Android Application
How to send emails using intents in android.