Post Overview
9 years ago+1 2 1Promotion,green
9 years ago+2 2 0Part of sketches for the creation of footwear, those interested are full availability.
9 years ago+2 2 0The rest of Mr. Green
9 years ago+1 1 0Small gardens, enlivened with imagination.
9 years ago-2 1 3Hanging garden, testing and final results.
9 years ago+2 4 2Small garden in the city
9 years ago0 1 1Leave the 'darkness Crerar for the new.
9 years ago+1 1 0We look at nature with new eyes, and what it offers us to create
9 years ago+3 4 1Stairs with green wall
9 years ago+3 3 0Living room
9 years ago+21 21 0Creating music room and Te 'with bubbles in the glass of various thickness with water
Creating music room and Te 'with bubbles in the glass of various thickness with water (the quantitatà varies from bubble to bubble to create a perfect acoustic) more aquatic plants, salon that lets you hear every little vibration, buyer Nobil Do ...
9 years ago+1 1 0Lampadario, chandelier
Sfida creativa vinta grazie alla natura bellissimo (a mio parere) lampadario, creabile in tutte le misure. Creative challenge won thanks to nature beautiful (in my opinion) chandelier, creatable in all sizes.
9 years ago0 1 1We start from the fact if you like, after which you wear these scape nature. And how about a balloon skirt inspired by the winter cherry.
Partiamo dal fatto se vi piacciono, dopo di che le indossereste queste scape nature. E cosa ne pensate di una gonna a palloncino prendendo spunto dall'alchechengi. We start from the fact if you like, after which you wear these scape nature. And ...
9 years ago-1 1 2Bathroom, and kitchen green vertical solution delivered yesterday.
Bagno, effettuato in pannelli di dicondra in verde verticale e cucina in verde vericale con edera e muschio consegnati ieri. Bathroom, made in panels dicondra in vertical and kitchen with ivy and moss green vertical solution delivered yesterday.
9 years ago-1 1 2Bagno sempre al profumo muschiato.Bathroom always musky scent.
Bagno sempre al profumo muschiato. Bathroom always musky scent. Sulla cornice laterale e superiore sono stati posizionati dei vaporizzattori di vapor acqueo tiepido che grazie al calore che emanano il muschio rilascia il classico profumo muschiato.
10 years ago+1 1 0Fashion
10 years ago+1 1 0Projects
10 years ago+1 1 0Project
10 years ago+1 1 0La natura ci aiuta , la scienza ci aiuta,assembliamole con le nostre idee e creiamo un mondo verde più sostenibile.
10 years ago+1 1 0I love the Green