• staxofmax

    The poor make the perfect scapegoat for the ills of society, and the perfect distraction from the continuing fleecing of the middle class. They have little power and little representation so you can say all sorts of slanderous things about them with no practical negative repercussion. You see, they're poor because they're immoral! And the immoral are not deserving of any government hand outs! Meanwhile no one is noticing the jobs that are continuing to be shipped overseas, and no one is noticing the larger and larger share of our productivity that is being stolen from us into the hands of the super rich. And more and more of us are slipping into the wrong side of the poverty line but it's OK because if you're poor then you obviously did something to deserve it!

    I wonder how long it's going to continue before they push it too far. Hopefully we don't have to progress to France in 1789 or Russia in 1917 levels of social and economic inequality before we do something about it.