• Cuken (edited 9 years ago)

    You're welcome! Do you think you'd be happy if you still lived in the woods? If you have goals now, how different would they be if your started on the hermit lifestyle? Right now you may aspire to get a promotion or buy a new car, if you're a hermit you might aspire to save up enough food for winter, or cut enough logs to burn to stay warm etc. Does the latter still sound appealing to you?

    • Blavatsky

      Sounds appealing in theory but I'm sure not in practice. It blows my mind to think of what would have happened if I had gone that way. The thing about that lifestyle is that you miss out on so much, that is the main reason I never went through with it.

      I'd like to think eventually I can find a happy medium between the two. You know like a get away property way out in the woods. Then once you get sick of it you come back home.