Post Overview
9 years ago+5 6 1Eco-Friendly Activities for Kids during Christmas Break - Within Your Hands
Christmas break can be a stressful time of year, especially with little ones that are home from school for a few weeks. If you are planning on a staycation this year, you'll need to come up with a load of activities to keep the little ones busy.
9 years ago0 1 1Best Plants for Removing Indoor Toxins - Within Your Hands
It's that time of year where people tend to spend more of their free hours indoors than outside, and...
9 years ago+3 4 1Dispelling The Top 4 Myths About Recycling - Within Your Hands
It was sometime in the early '80s when curbside recycling was first launched in many cities and towns in Ontario, but still to this day there are many myths about recycling. Today we will try to dispel the top four myths of recycling.
9 years ago+3 4 1Give A Waste Free Gift This Holiday Season - Within Your Hands
In our last post, I'm Dreaming Of A Green Christmas we touched on a few items when it comes to...
9 years ago+1 2 1I'm Dreaming Of A Green Christmas - Within Your Hands
From Christmas greeting cards and wrapping paper, to Christmas tress and decorations, the holiday season is a time of year...
9 years ago+19 20 1Do You Own A 'Blood Phone'? - Within Your Hands
No, it's not a new app for your Smartphone, or the sequel to the 2006 Oscar nominated film Blood Diamond, but the story is just as tragic. If you own a Smartphone, there is a good chance that you are carrying around a "Blood Phone".
9 years ago+24 25 1Common Cold Season Survival Guide: Homemade Vapour Rub - Within Your Hands
With all our advances in modern medicine there is still no such thing as a cure for the common cold....
9 years ago0 1 1How To Lower Your Heating Bills During Winter Months - Within Your Hands
The cold weather is upon us, and for many that can mean a significant increase in the monthly utility bills....
9 years ago+23 24 1Climate Change vs. Global Warming - Within Your Hands
Everyone should already be pretty familiar with media buzzwords, Climate Change and Global Warming, but is there a difference between the two terms?
9 years ago0 1 1Green Halloween Ideas For The Last Minute Shopper - Within Your Hands
Whether you are heading out to a Halloween party, or just dressing the kids up for a round of trick-or-treating, when it comes to last minute Halloween shopping it can difficult to find green alternatives.
9 years agoHow-to+25 26 1Low Voter Turnout in Canada - Within Your Hands
On October 19, 2015, some Canadians will head to the polls to vote in the federal election. However, as you...
9 years ago+4 5 1How Wolves Can Help To Combat Climate Change - Within Your Hands
By helping to maintain a healthy ecosystem wolves are connected to climate change through the following ways.
9 years agoHow-to+16 17 1How to Reconnect With the Kids on Busy School Nights - Within Your Hands
The summer is over and the kids are finally back to school, and for some parents, the vintage Staples commercial...
9 years ago+10 11 1Why Urban Trees Are So Important - Within Your Hands
There has been a big push in recent years to not only protect, but also to better manage our urban forests and trees, from our parks and green spaces to even street lined trees. So why are urban trees so important?
9 years agoHow-to+22 23 1What Food Cravings Really Mean - Within Your Hands
Everyone has experienced a food craving - whether it's the need for a late night salty snack or something sugary to get you through the day. But have you ever stopped to think what that food craving really means?
9 years ago0 1 1Benefits of Eco Nuts - Within Your Hands
You may not have heard of them before, but Eco Nuts, also know as the soap nuts or soapberries,...
9 years ago+1 2 1How Microbeads Are Destroying The Great Lakes - Within Your Hands
Microbeads are tiny plastic beads found in hundreds of personal cosmetics, and many of these pollutants are now being found in our oceans, lakes and rivers.
9 years agoHow-to-1 1 2The Dangers of Antibacterial Soap - Within Your Hands
Since the 1960s marketers of household cleaners have us all believing that antibacterial products are the best, nay, the only way to properly protect ourselves from household germs and bacteria; germs and bacteria that will eventually find their way ...
9 years ago+14 15 1The Dangers of Air Fresheners - Within Your Hands
There are several reasons why I dislike the idea of air fresheners, from non-recyclable waste they create to the VOCs they emit, which can have negative effects on our health.
9 years ago-1 1 2How To Cut Down On Food Waste - Within Your Hands
By some estimates, an average Canadian or American family of four wastes nearly 25% of the food that is purchased, with as much as 50% of that food waste occurring at home.