11 years ago
Guelph family lives like it's 1986
A Guelph, ON couple of two are pretending it’s 198, for an entire year. And they’re doing it because their kids – aged 5, and 2 – wouldn't look up from their parents' iPhones and iPads long enough to kick a ball around the backyard.
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A lot of this doesn't seem drastic at all. I have had cell phones twice, but I do fine without one right now, until I get around to getting some other mobile device (which will not likely be a cell phone). I use paper maps; I don't like GPS. I would much prefer my kids read a book to play their ipod, but yes, they do play their ipods more. That being said, I live on my computer and I would not take a picture if i had to get film developed. But more power to them for what they are doing.
That mullet.
I know, right? I love how they are not only living the part but dressing it too!
You think he had it before they want back to the future on their kids?
What is this? How can you pretend its 1986 when you drive a 2010 Kia. I say get rid of it and buy a station wagon with the wood trim.
Good ol Plymouth should do.
This looks like the perfect ride.. http://i.imgur.com/LDLRc56.jpg