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Published 8 years ago by CrookedTale with 1 Comments

Christmas Disco- I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

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  • IHeartGaming

    Believe it or not, I know a whole lot about this album and the work involved in it from a bit of Googling around. There were either 20 or 21 tracks released in total for these series of albums, recorded sometime in 1979 by an outfit called Odyssey Productions. The most complete collection of these songs in one place is Non Stop Xmas Disco by The Roller Disco Orchestra, which has 20 songs and is commonly available. I have this CD and can vouch for it. (There is another CD that supposedly has the same exact content as this one, but its name is escaping me and I can't find it.) The twenty-first song that may or may not have (but probably was) recorded at the same time as the others is Jolly Old Saint Nicholas. As far as I know, this is only available on CD format on a disc called "Switched on Christmas" released by Rainbow. It is an Australian release, so eBay is your best friend. (You're looking for a CD with 21 tracks, not one that mentions "22 non-stop favorites" as there are multiple releases which share the name and are not related.)

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