• smithcmau

    I believe that disparity in standards for drivers licences has been an issue for quite a while as well as the disconnect between state to state DMVs. I gather that they are using this situation to legally push states to make changes toward standardization, that have been hard to push forward in the past. I remember talking to a DMV worker in Texas that said the disconnect between states was so drastic 5 years ago, that it was possible to have lost your licence in one state and manage to get one in another. She also mentioned that they were working to fix that by standardization but that some states would not comply. I find it interesting that something like this is happening now. It seems like a strong arm tactic to get the public involved and upset. I picture a scenario where they asked for compliance and then threatened to force compliance and then finally found a way to make good on the threat with a deadline. I have an active imagination though. I guess the gears of progress turn slowly.