• racerxonclar (edited 8 years ago)

    I agree completely. I've said this for a long time in my personal life. Capitalism is a system of greed. For a long time, everyone being greedy at the same time was a balancing factor, because undercutting a competitor lead to profits. But even during that time, it was still a system of companies doing only what was most profitable with zero concern for their employees or the consumer. Frankly, that's not a business' job. It's job is to make money. That's is sole purpose. So anything that is more profitable will be done... screwing over whoever and whatever along the way. It's a terribly flawed system built on an unhealthy basis that would, at the very least, require a substantial amount of regulation to limit just how far they can screw people over for their own good.

    In addition, millions of Americans who dropped out of the labor market in the Great Recession are still jobless. They’re not even counted as unemployment because they’ve stopped looking for work.

    This is me.

    Insecure workers don’t demand higher wages when unemployment drops. They’re grateful simply to have a job. To make things worse, a majority of Americans have no savings to draw upon if they lose their job. Two-thirds of all workers are living paycheck to paycheck.

    And this is every person I know outside of the internet.

    Perhaps my perspective is skewed against capitalism because I haven't been on the good side of it.

    • Rothulfossil

      The question is, how many people have been on the good side of it? And are their perspectives any less skewed?

      I think if you look at it objectively and see that capitalism is hurting people, regardless of how many, you'd have to apply the subjective view that it's baaad. It's an evil system.

      I'm personally appalled that I bought it for as long as I did. How was I supposed to know? I've grown up in a society completely accustomed to it and I've been raised by people who have been raised by people who found the system to be just fine. It's not. It just worked for a little while.