8 years ago
Why Are We Killing Each Other?
It's been another frustrating week in the United States as we suffer through another mass shooting. As I write this, investigators are still seeking out the causes for the recent events in San Bernardino. Current evidence is pointing towards a couple with sympathies towards extremist Islamic groups. President Obama went on national TV Sunday night and said the married couple who committed the violence “had gone down the dark path of radicalization”.
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I am really getting tired of all this 'killing each other' nonsense. It simply isn't true. A few people kill other people but millions of people, the vast, vast majority are not and never will. I'm so left I'm probably a socialist, but this mostly left wing opinion is really pissing me off. The chance of being a victim of crime is tiny and the chance of being victim of a violent crime is even less. If you want to stop violent death outlaw cars...they kill far more people than criminals and more than most diseases. The gun violence hysteria is another example of folks creating a boogie man under the bed to fear.
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