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Published 8 years ago by Cobbydaler with 10 Comments
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  • HowSoonWasThen

    How fragile must a person's belief be to need reinforced by a coffee cup or a giant corporation?

    • Bastou

      Probably as fragile as to need it created by religion...

  • racerxonclar

    Persecution complexes, persecution complexes everywhere! I can't be wrong, therefore I must be getting actively persecuted because it's us verses them and the persecution is proof that I'm right because the Debil(tm) wants to stop me watch as I feed myself with arrogance and self-righteousness faster than people eat McDonald's fries!

    -clear throat- Just had to get that out. I grew up in a religious family about this extreme, so... it's something that really pisses me off. There are literally dozens of reasons they could have made this change. Trying to be more inclusive of other holidays, cheaper to make, didn't have to pay a designer, maybe even just trying a minimalist approach. But nope, everyone has to get in an uproar and act like 3yo kids just like they do if Christmas music isn't blaring in every store and restaurant for 4 months driving the employees insane.

    • Gozzin (edited 8 years ago)

      But nope, everyone has to get in an uproar and act like 3yo kids just like they do if Christmas music isn't blaring in every store and restaurant for 4 months driving the employees insane.

      This is so very true. If you don't like the cup,don't buy the drink. Every year,about this time,they drag out a reason that there is a war on what they think is their special holiday..I forget what it was last year,but it never fails and it never ends. Don't they have anything better to do than to throw tantrums from November through December?

      As to the music,it's not just the employees who are driven nuts by it, it's the shoppers as well.

      Looks like even Trump is working to manipulate the gullible idiots.

      • racerxonclar

        There only one Christmas song I enjoy hearing. Carol of the Bells. A beautiful piece of music that has be remade and remixed wonderfully over and over again. What did I get every single day? Beyonce's "Jingle Bells" or some other nonsense. Next thing I know I'll hear ICP Christmas songs over the PA system...

  • redalastor

    How dare they remove the symbol of our faith!

    Bring back Santa!

    That's what's it's about right? Because I doubt they used to put the face of Jesus on the cups.

    • Bastou (edited 8 years ago)

      Were I Coca-Cola, I'd sue them into oblivion for removing our character from their cups... Or for using it in the first place. Hell, I'd sue the Christian Church for using my character to promote their non-sense holiday! /s

      And all of that would be terribly funny, because Coca-Cola wasn't even the first one to depict Santa Claus in Red and White, despite the urban legends.

      • redalastor

        Indeed but they did make it popular.

        But better idea, we should make a campaign to return to the true root of the 25th of December festivities because we can't disrespect religions like that.

        We want Starbuck's cup to depict Mithras!

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