• djsparky

    PBS did a reality show called Colonial House years ago that I binge watched when I was sick for a few days. The plot had real people go back in time to a log cabin type community for quite a few months and the people had to play their role. The head of the community was a Christian minister, who really wanted to build 'the city on a hill'-the utopian Christian setting. This seemed like an easy task, no tv, no cell phone; just manual labor and a group of 15 people. How hard could it be? Well, besieged by personal tradgedy, the real life minister has to leave the show, but only after having to make attending religious services mandatory and other'rules' to force the small group to further his goal.

    Even in this small group, best intentions played out to where, like this article points out, at some point, you will have to convert people's ideas by force.