9 years ago
Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov shot dead in Moscow
Former Kremlin insider and critic of Vladimir Putin who was due to take part in march on Sunday was reportedly killed near the Kremlin.
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Putin is a gangster. I legitimately feel sorry for all the people stuck in that shit hole.
Four shots to the back? Clearly a suicide.
What a coincidence! Just days before a planned protest.
But who benefits from this? Nemtsov had less than 5% popular support and realistically was no threat to Putin. I don't think Putin is dumb enough to do this 2 days before a planned demonstration...
Two men detained http://www.bbc.com/n...orld-europe-31778279
I added this into RL, figured you might be out of slots.
Hey, in reality I'm getting all the sweet sweet upvotes! ... so thank you!
I know everyone is thinking this is Putin's doing but I doubt it. It's almost too scripted to be Putin.
Are u kidding me? This murder has got putin's name stamped all over it.
You mean the US can't pin this on Putin?
Let's see anyone else try and oppose Putin. That country is going to hell fast.
It's really difficult not to suspect Putin is behind it.
And now Russian history repeats.