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Published 10 years ago by Cobbydaler with 5 Comments

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  • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)

    Title II of the 1934 Communications Act provides the FCC with the power of licensing and censorship in black and white. Most other language is so archaic re: the internet, that it is conjecture as to any applicability. This very act has been overhauled since, the latest in 1996 addresses more modern concerns. The government/FCC has just taken over the internet, bask in its benevolence.

    • Cobbydaler (edited 10 years ago)

      They're not applying title II in its entirety. Also this is not about net neutrality, it's about stopping providers blocking cities rights to provide their own service. Read the article.


        There is considerable reference to "net neutrality" contained in the article, have you read it? Which part(s) of title II will not be utilized?

        • Cobbydaler (edited 10 years ago)

          Yes, I have read it. I don't post links to articles I haven't read. That was not the main thrust of the article. Look here for the full ruling http://www.fcc.gov/d...rotect-open-internet

          • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 10 years ago)

            What care I "the main thrust"? My comment is relevant to content, and would matter not if not. If you don't like it, tough, I live not by your cares/rules There is no reference to licensing or censorship, or to most of Title II contents. Gotta love FCC vagarity.............. I see you have adopted Andy at his best.

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