
    Yep, he might just enforce existing law, as his office prescribes,

    the horror.

    • RoamingGnome (edited 8 years ago)

      If you support existing marijuana laws, you are a bigger idiot than I gave you credit for. You do understand the reason why states are changing the laws? Or, in your exceedingly retarded Republican brain, I suppose you think repealing these horrible, life-destroying, senseless laws is somehow a PC move to placate the drug-using voter base of Democrats? I'll bet anything that you don't even know why marijuana is illegal in the first place. In your pea-brain you are thinking, "Yeah, he doesn't know about how marijuana makes jazz-playing nigger musicians steal white woman from good, hard-working Republicans." AMIRITE? You are a fucking idiot. I'd bitch slap you across the room if we were having this conversation in person, so thank your lucky fucking stars for the Internet.

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 8 years ago)

        Whether I, you, or whomever, support whatever is not at issue.

        It is the AG's duty to enforce/ prosecute per federal law........ period.