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Published 9 years ago by Cheesemangeur with 4 Comments

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  • NinjaKlaus

    Hollywood has always done this from what I can tell by the old movies my grandmother watches. It's not only a problem but a damn creepy one at that. This has got to come from Hollywood's past and even current creepazoid treatment of younger actors and their sex for hire ideals. I remember reading recently that some actress, I think Gyllenhaal,was told that a 37 year old was too old to put with a 55 year old... WTF? Seriously, Hollywood is kinda creepy here people. Is it their belief this will mean more guys will show up if they believe they can have a lady 30 years their junior? Is it a way to show young women they should set their sights on a higher age when dating? What's the belief system here, I just don't get it.

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