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Published 8 years ago by Borska with 6 Comments

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  • leweb

    This might be because of plain social stigma, or because it is a hard problem, but the truth of the matter is that we don't have a clue how to deal with mental illness. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for most of my adult life, and every time I muster the courage to go to therapy I just go back to what I like to call the Ridiculous Festival of Drugs. Last time it was these (in order): Buproprion, Paxil, Celexa, Prozac, Pristiq, Fetzima, Lamictal, Naltrexone (the last one because I started drinking since nothing was working). I ended up feeling worse (and probably with a couple fewer years of life expectancy due to liver damage), so I stopped everything.

    Funny thing, I keep reading stories about ketamine, lsd, marijuana and magic mushrooms being good for depression, but since those won't make any money for big pharma I'm stuck with the official bullshit. Maybe we just need to accept that we don't have a clue and start over?

  • archmagician

    I'm attending a cognitive behaviour therapy group with my child to learn how to help with her anxiety. The child group runs at the same time as the parent group and there's some link up between the two towards the end of each session. We're seeing some advances in the first few weeks and we'll see how the remainder goes. They focus on hierarchies and exposures to counter the negative thoughts and feelings.

    Her psychologist says that the things she's anxious about now will serve her well as an adult but for a 10 year old it causes issues. There are additional things thrown in there such as gender identity issues and her parents separating but her personality and temperament makes her prone to general anxiety disorder.

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