• BlueOracle

    Hey, thanks for your reply.

    What I think is missing is a perspective on human sexuality and identity. Sexual desire and sexual identity are not always the same thing.

    - That's a good point. The article does seem to be coming at sexuality from the perspective of desire rather than identity. I agree that the two are related and overlapping, but not synonymous.

    I think Gay oppression arises from the rigid notions we hold on gender that keeps heterosexual identity in a rigid framework partly out of fear of being seen as 'gay'.

    - Yeah, I agree. It's a complex problem, to be sure, and I do think that the rigidity of gender norms is a big part of it. Not wanting to seem 'gay' is like not wanting to seem feminine. Even 'straight' men who happen to seem feminine can be ostracized. Obviously things are even more difficult for those who are in fact gay, but it's worth noting that there is not much tolerance for a man seeming feminine, for whatever reason, in many cultures. The accepted norms of gender and sexual identity are still woefully limited.

    The bottom line is respect, respect, respect.

    - I can respect that. ;)

    Thanks for sharing your perspective! This article seems to be a bit of a Rorschach, perhaps because it's so long and convoluted, LOL. The replies have been interesting.

    • [Deleted Profile] (edited 8 years ago)

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