• picklefingers

    Yup. Something I wan't everybody to keep in mind is that this is still a younger site, actively adding on new features. Some questions will be answered with "We don't know yet", and that is okay. Some questions aren't going to be quickly answered because a better answer is being sought out. And that, in turn, is also part of the reason for the reddit revolt, at least the moderator side of it. The revolt wasn't because of the lack of mod-tools. Most of the (in my opinion, justified) blackouts were because the admins had promised for years that there would be improved mod tools. However, the mod tools never came. If snapzu promised for solutions to problems for years and never made a visible effort, snapzites would be justified in being angry. Though, if we were to revolt, I'd hope we'd do it in a more mature and organized fashion than the reddit community has.