• neg8ivezero

    You may be right- I think a lot of people will still harbor resentment and distrust but I think this is the first step to repairing the relationship between the company and the user-base. I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.

    However, the personal attacks on Ellen Pao are terrible. I don't think she is the right person to run Reddit either, but damn, everyone made her out to be the rebirth of Hitler and it was really sad. If I had to wake up everyday and face the comments about me similar to the ones bade about Ellen Pao on Reddit... I don't know that I could have ever written that apology post, to say the least.

    • TenNineteenOne
      @neg8ivezero -

      I'm probably going to have some resentment and distrust for a long while. That apology reminded me too much a politician's. There wasn't enough substance. I hope I eat those words one day, but I'm not that optimistic at the moment.

      I can't speak to the comments though, I just saw the memes and stuff.