9 years ago
The Best Time I Rejected Minimalism
I stripped my closet down to the basics. It totally didn't take... One chilly day in January, I realized that everyone I knew was giving away everything they owned. There were chatterings over Facebook about a book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, written by an elfin, 5' Japanese woman named Marie Kondo. Curious, I went to the Toronto Public Library website to place a hold: 442 holds on 59 copies.
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I don't mean to derail any conversation but it always bugs me when people make this mistake. " = inches, ' = feet. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only person that learned this in grade school.
It could just be a typo. I can correct it in the description, but obviously not in the article. 5" would be quite elfin indeed! ;)
Haha don't worry about it. It's just a pet peeve of mine.