• eilyra

    You bring up good points regarding enjoyment and achievement. Sometimes we make the choices we do because we think they'll bring us enjoyment. I think what I'm getting at is that satisfaction with one's life is not always achieved by doing those things that bring you the most enjoyment.

    True, this is something that's very hard to analyse in the moment & sometimes you have to go against your immediate feeling. As an example, my brother was recently renovating and occasionally asked for help. As I'm not one for manual labor, my first instinct is to deny the help, but I always accepted after a short internal conflict and didn't regret it once. Sure, the task at hand may not have been something I enjoy, but the satisfaction of being able to help someone close to me as well as seeing the progress made certainly helped make it maybe not a enjoyable memory but still a good one.

    The funny thing about turning your passion into your career is that you may end up hating your job. If your career doesn't go where you want it to, and you can look back at specific choices you made to play video games instead of working, what at the time seemed like the right choice may not seem like the right choice after all. OTOH, it's possible that working instead of playing video games would have lead to burn-out.

    Yeah, this is a difficult problem made more difficult because one can't predict the outcome. Makes me feel like the right approach to seeking a career is to find something you like, but maybe not love. Though turning a passion into a career does come more naturally. Still, if one of the top five regrets of the dying is working too hard, I find it hard to justify a too great investment in one's career. Especially how one's relationship to the passion would seem to inevitably change due to the nature of it also being a means of income. Unless one is lucky enough to earn sufficient income to live comfortably to one's own standards by only making it work when one feels like it.

    This makes a lot of sense. I'm definitely not in a pleasant mood when my flow is interrupted, but I try very hard not to expose the person interrupting me to this.

    Yeah, it feels like a accurate hypothesis. But it's certainly something to be aware of & gives one the opportunity to recognise it and as you said, not channel that frustration on others.