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Published 9 years ago by BlueOracle with 6 Comments

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  • wekjak

    Unfortunately, even if they end up having to euthanize most of them, it's still a positive change considering how much suffering is caused by this type of exploitation.

  • yobabyugly

    A long term solution that creates a short term problem. I can dig that...

    • get9

      Exactly! In this case, the long-term is very significant.

      I do not think, however, that we can discount the short-term, but I feel like solutions can be found. Not having this law come into effect would create more problems for the same species of animals that are currently in trouble.

  • Gozzin

    And if all pets were outlawed, they would face the same problem.

  • zenkaku

    Yep theres a problem but a few zoos have taken in some animals since the law was done out of nowhere by the green party for elections they didn't exactly plan anything

  • TonyP

    Hmm, seems like the only place circus animals could go to would be a zoo. I would imagine caring for large animals like elephants and giraffes would need a lot of planning, resources and space. That's not easy to fit into a budget.

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