Conversation 7 comments by 5 users
  • Zeus

    Alright, who wants to found /t/TokiPona? ;)

    • ObiWanShinobi (edited 8 years ago)

      Well, I might be interested. But sick had the right idea, you did come up with it first, so I'll defer to you. I'm definitely interested in learning it, though, so let me know if you make a tribe and I'll be it's first member.

    • sick

      LOL, you had the idea, YOU do it.

    • Metatron

      Please do it.

      • Zeus

        Done and done.

        • BlueOracle

          I added this snap to get you started. ;)

          You all are great! I'm glad you're interested in this. :D

          • Zeus


            I guess you could say everyone here are jan pona :D