• flinchy

    he's not wrong, but he's not right..

    Yeah the hate speech/racist stuff is unwanted, but you know the only possibility of removing it from the internet?

    removing the internet.

    He simply didn't understand reddit, or the internet in general.

    • Teska

      That seems very ... "just because I can, doesn't mean I should". Yeah, it's the internet, and you can post, type, create all the vitriol you want ... but that doesn't mean it will be tolerated, wanted, or encouraged. Each site has the right (and some would argue the duty) to remove the worst of the worst. I don't believe Shatner was speaking of the day-to-day a-hole-ish behavior of goading people into arguments or even the obvious trolls, but more the absolute trash that can be spewed by extremely hateful people. And that should certainly be moderated, in my opinion.